Tiny Houses Big Beginnings Program
Tiny Houses, Big Beginnings is a two-generational approach to transitional housing for homeless families with children who are eligible for or receive Head Start services in SEK-CAP. Families work with the Housing Self-Sufficiency Coordinator to create a Housing Self-Sufficiency Plan that includes goals and action steps, leading to self-sufficiency within a two-year timeframe.
In the program, community partners assist families, giving them opportunities to build savings accounts, learn budgeting, receive job skills training and interview skills, and guidance on nutrition, childcare, and any other goals that will help them achieve self-sufficiency.
Community Assessment
We are engaged in an assessment of all twelve counties in SEK-CAP’s service area. The assessment provides current data about how best to prioritize and allocate resources to opportunities to help those in poverty.
Through community engagement, we seek opportunities to work within communities throughout our service area on planning initiatives that results in change. We work to facilitate partnerships, support initiatives, and convene focus groups with other entities to address the causes and effects of poverty. We maintain relationships across the region and provide program and partnership development assistance on a regular basis. We strive to work together as a region to implement new ideas essential to the success of creative and innovative approaches to impacting poverty at the neighborhood and community levels.