SEK-CAP will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.



Easy Access to Essential Transport

We’re making communities stronger one ride at a time with easily accessible General Public Transportation Services. We offer multiple demand-responsive services which can be scheduled with a simple phone call. We encourage a suggested donation of $1.00 per trip, but no one is refused service due to inability to contribute.

man with wheelchair getting off of the bus

Areas Served

BbGo Transportation

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Tuesday– Thursday

7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Other times may be available with advanced notice. Cannot leave Kansas

Monday – Friday 

7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

7:30 am – 3:00 pm

MoGoes Transportation


7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Monday – Friday 

7:30 am – 3:00 pm


If the ride originates in Neosho County, passengers can travel to any bordering county.


7:30 am – 3:00 pm

Tuesday – Friday

7:30 am – 7:30 pm


7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Routes around Pittsburg with 21 stops

Monday – Friday 

7:30 am – 7:30 pm

Click for Map & Routes

Gus Bus Campus Route: Monday-Friday 7:45 am – 3:15 pm

Safe Ride: demand response bus services to get students safely to and from weekend evening activities. Wednesday-Saturday 8:00 pm – 2:30 am.

Game Day Safe Ride: Home football game day bus starting 2 hours before kickoff and ending 2 hours after the end of the game.


Office Hours

SEK-CAP office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 620.724.8204 ext. 1024 for information about our transportation services or other transit resources in the area.

Holiday Hours

Our offices are closed on the following holidays (including transportation services); New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day following Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Notice is provided in advance to patrons.


To schedule a ride, call 620.724.6350. Calls are returned from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Appointments must be made with at least prior day notice. We suggest 1 to 7 days advance notice. Same day rides based on availability. For a ride on Saturday or Monday, appointments must be made by Friday, no later than 4:00 p.m.

When scheduling a ride, you must provide the name(s) of all persons riding, street address of your pick-up and drop-off destinations and a working phone number. If your pick-up is at an apartment complex or large business, please describe to the scheduler any specifics that would assist the driver in finding the pick-up location. You must inform the scheduler of any mobility devices or wheelchairs that may take extra time to load

Cancellations & No Shows

Cancellations are required at least one hour in advance of your scheduled pick-up time. If less than one-hour notice is given from the scheduled pick-up time the appointment will be considered a “no show.” (No shows are scheduled pick-ups where the passenger is not at the designated site and has not called the scheduler (620.724.6350) to cancel the ride). If two no shows occur in any 30-day period, a customer may be suspended from using our transportation services for thirty calendar days. The customer will receive written communication on agency letterhead when services are being suspended. At the end of the thirty-day period, transportation service may be reinstated and will be subject to the same two “no show” policy. All final decisions on “no shows” are at the discretion of the Transportation Director.

Wait Time for Driver & Passengers

Drivers may arrive up to 15 minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time, so you must be ready at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time to avoid missed services. Drivers will only wait five minutes upon arrival before they proceed to their next scheduled appointment. Drivers will not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. If a rider has waited more than 15 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time, contact SEK-CAP’s scheduler at (620.724.6350).

Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Riders must be ready and waiting at their designated pick-up location. Drivers will wait for you as close as possible to the designated pick-up location. Drivers will honk upon arrival. Drivers will not come to the door to get you unless a reasonable modification has been requested. Drivers will drop you off as close as possible to the designated drop-off location.

If a passenger needs assistance beyond the curb, a reasonable modification to assist may be requested at the time the appointment is scheduled. (Please refer to the Accommodations section for reasonable modification guidelines).

Delayed Vehicles

Our drivers experience the same traffic and weather conditions as the rest of the commuting public. Occasionally, a driver may be late for a pick-up. If they have not arrived by 15 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time, please call SEK-CAP’s scheduler (620.724.6350).

Bad Weather

Notification of cancelled services will be posted at KOAM Channel 7, and at the top of our page.

Transportation services will not be offered when severe weather makes traveling unsafe. In the event severe weather occurs while in transit, our Transportation Director, will contact the driver with instructions on where to proceed. Once at a safe location, passengers are required to exit the vehicle and take shelter during the severe weather event. Our drivers are not responsible for passengers once they have been instructed to exit the vehicle. When the all clear is given the Transportation Director will contact the driver to proceed with the transport. The driver will return to the vehicle and wait 5 minutes for passengers to return before proceeding to the next destination.

In the event severe weather has caused road closings the cancellation of services will be made known via radio or television broadcast.

Extreme Weather Assistance: If a passenger needs assistance beyond the curb, a reasonable modification to assist may be requested at the time the appointment is scheduled. (Please refer to the Accommodations section for reasonable modification guidelines).

Attendant & Physical Assistance

A personal care attendant may accompany the rider. The attendant must be mentioned at the time of scheduling and must be 16 years of age or older. We do not provide attendants.

(If assistance beyond the curb is needed, the passenger may request a reasonable modification for the trip at the time the appointment is scheduled. If due to unforeseen circumstances, such as an extreme weather conditions or construction barriers, the passenger may request the reasonable modification for the trip at the origin or destination locations. The driver will relay such requests to our Transportation Director. The Director will then determine whether the request can be accommodated. A driver must be able to maintain “effective continuing control” of the vehicle. This includes maintaining visual contact with the vehicle. A driver is prohibited from entering a private residence or traveling beyond the lobby of a public building such as a hospital or traveling past the first exterior door of a building).

Reasonable modifications include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisting with opening an exterior building entry door, to provide boarding and/or giving assistance to a passenger. 
  • Assistance on an incline on a driveway or sidewalk.
  • Assistance when traversing a difficult sidewalk where tree roots or construction barrier have made the sidewalk impassible for a wheelchair or other mobility device. 
  • Assistance navigating around obstacles such as snowdrifts or construction areas.

(A driver may also assist a passenger when navigating the following circumstances from the passenger’s origin or destination: These modifications would be granted, subject of course, to the provision that such assistance would not cause a direct threat or leave the vehicle unattended or out of visual observation for a lengthy period).

Packages/Personal items

Carry-on packages are limited to two packages/bags. Neither the driver nor SEK-CAP are liable for damages to packages or personal items during transport. Carry-on items must always remain within and under the control of the passenger.


Persons traveling with portable oxygen or other support equipment may be transported if the equipment does not interfere with passenger safety and is not prohibited by Hazardous Materials Regulations. This equipment must be capable of being secured by the passenger in a seat.

Service Animals & Pets

Service animals may accompany a passenger. The animal’s care, control, and safety are the responsibility of the owner. We do not transport pets of any kind.

Child Seats

State law requires children less than four years of age be in a federally approved child safety restraint seat system (K.S.A. 8-1343 et. seq). Children under age four will not be allowed to ride without a child safety seat. Child safety seats are built into some of our vehicles. Child safety seats can be requested at the time a ride is scheduled. It is the responsibility of the adult with the child to secure the child in a safety seat.

The following rules are for everyone’s safety and comfort.

Passenger Guidelines

  • No eating or drinking while on board any of our vehicles.
  • No smoking on board any of our vehicles. (including e-cigarettes/vaping)
  • No disorderly, abusive, obscene, dangerous or threatening behaviors will be tolerated.
  • Please keep feet off the seats.
  • Passengers are not to extend arms, hands, heads or any other body parts through the vehicle’s windows or doors.
  • No cell phones on speaker or loud conversations that may distract the driver.
  • No noise producing devices without headphones.
  • No bikes allowed inside the vehicle.
  • Strollers must be folded before bringing them onto our vehicles.
  • No pets allowed inside the vehicle.
  • Keep aisles clear of obstructions.
  • Carry-on items are limited to 2 bags or items.
  • Place carry-on items on your lap or under the seat.
  • Shirts, pants and shoes are required.
  • Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. (the driver has the right to ask to see an I.D. to verify age)
  • When utilizing the PACT route, Gus Bus routes, or Safe Ride Route passengers must have a destination. You may not ride these routes indefinitely.

The following is PROHIBITED:

  • Being under the influence of illegal substances.
  • Flammable liquids, such as gasoline, kerosene and propane etc.
  • Dangerous or large items, such as car batteries, large boxed items, furniture, panes of glass, etc.
  • Open carry firearms or unconcealed weapons of any kind.
  • Offensive body odor or clothing soiled with bodily fluids or pet fluids.
  • Open or uncovered sores or wounds.
  • Operating or tampering with vehicle equipment.
  • Distracting or inappropriate conversation with the vehicle driver.
  • Solicitation and/or behaviors that might pose a safety or security risk/concern.
  • Masks or “hoodies’ that cover the passenger’s face.

Our vehicle operators have the discretion to take appropriate measures if a passenger engages in inappropriate and/or dangerous behaviors. This discretion may include refusing service, asking for a passenger’s justified removal and/or calling the authorities. Passengers who engage in physical or verbal abuse or cause physical injury to another person or the driver may be subject to immediate and/or permanent suspension, and possible criminal prosecution.

Transportation Services Grievances

Every rider has a right to dispute or file a complaint regarding service. The procedures for handling any grievances or complaints from passengers, private providers, or employees begin with an initial review conducted by SEK-CAP Transportation Staff and the Transportation Director. All efforts will be made to reach an amicable agreement in the matter. If an agreement or resolution to the grievance cannot be achieved, then a hearing will be scheduled with the Transportation Committee at a specially convened meeting. The Transportation Committee will hear both sides in the matter and then make a recommendation.

The grievance procedure and timetable are set forth below.

  1. Grievance/complaint submitted in writing to SEK-CAP.
  2. Grievance will be reviewed, and a written response will be returned to the complainant within ten working days.
  3. The complainant may then petition SEK-CAP in writing to convene a special meeting of the Transportation Committee. The committee meeting will be held within ten working days of the complainant’s petition to SEK-CAP.
  4. The committee will convene and receive information from the complainant and SEK-CAP.
  5. Within ten working days of the committee meeting, an opinion will be rendered in writing to both parties. The opinion will not be binding on either party but will represent the Committee’s opinion in the matter.
  6. If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached, a written grievance may be filed within ten days of the incident or complaint to:

Transportation Services Director
Southeast Kansas Community Action Program, Inc
401 North Sinnet Girard, KS 66743

Additional grievance procedures may be accessible by calling 620-724-8204 (ext 1024) and asking for contact information for the Equal Opportunity Officer or visit the link below for Title VI complaints.

Prospective transportation passengers with vision or hearing impairments may contact SEK-CAP through text messaging at: 620.238.8697


As well, prospective passengers who are not English speaking may contact us through a translation service and they may speak directly to our scheduler at: 620.724.6350

Dial 711 (or the Kansas Relay toll-free number 1-800-766-3777) A specially trained Communications Assistant will answer and identify themselves by their operator number. Give the Communications Assistant the phone number of the person you are calling (620.238.8697). The Communications Assistant will connect you with the person you are calling and assist you with communication.  Individuals accessing this service should use the text number: 620.238.8697

Any questions or concerns about this direct service to the general public through SEK-CAP, may contact: Scott Christiansen Director Transportation Services 620.724.8204 – extension 1024

Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI SEK-CAP, Inc.

  • SEK-CAP, Inc. operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with SEK-CAP, Inc.
  • For more information on SEK-CAP, Inc.’s civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact 620-724-8204; email; or visit our administrative office at 401 North Sinnet, Girard, Kansas 66743. For more information, visit
  • A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590
  • If information is needed in another language, contact 800-555-1212.

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